
fish for中文什么意思

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  • fish:    n. (pl. fishes, 〔集合词〕 fish) ...
  • a fish:    没出息的人, 放荡的人
  • fish:    n. 菲什〔姓氏〕。 n. (pl. fishes, 〔集合词〕 fish) 1.鱼;〔集合词〕鱼类;鱼肉。 ★说鱼的若干种类时用 fishes, 说几条鱼不用复数;鱼肉是不可数名词,无复数。 2.〔口语〕(特殊的)人物,家伙,东西。 3.【航海】钓锚器;撑夹桅杆的加固夹箍;【建筑】接合板,夹片,鱼尾板;悬鱼饰;【天文学】〔the Fish-(es)〕双鱼宫。 4.【军口】鱼雷。 5.〔美口〕新囚犯;生手,笨蛋;容易受骗的人。 6.〔美俚〕〔戏谑语〕天主教徒。 7.〔美俚〕美元。 eat three fish 吃三条鱼。 lots of fish 许多鱼。 F- begins to stink at the head. 〔谚语〕上梁不正下梁歪,鱼要腐烂头先坏。 Gut no fish till you get them. = Never fry a fish till it is caught. 〔谚语〕鱼未捉到,别忙煎鱼。 He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet. 〔谚语〕捉鱼不要怕湿脚。 If you swear you will catch no fish. 〔谚语〕咒骂不解决问题。 It is a silly fish, that is caught twice with the same bait. 〔谚语〕智者不上两回当。 Never offer to teach fish to swim. 〔谚语〕别班门弄斧。 a big fish 大亨,大人物。 a cool fish 无耻之徒。 a dull fish 钝汉。 a loose fish 放荡鬼。 a queer fish 怪人,莫明其妙的家伙。 a fish out of water 离水的鱼,不得其所的人。 All is fish that comes to his net. 到手的都要,便宜事来者不拒。 as dumb [mute] as a fish 默不作声。 big fish in a little pond 矮子里头的高个子。 catch fish with a silver hook 钓不到鱼之后花钱买鱼(冒充是自己钓的)。 cry stinking fish 拆自己的台。 drink like a fish 牛饮。 drunk as a fish 大醉。 eat fish on Fridys 斋戒日吃鱼〔有些基督教信徒在星期五不食肉,作为守斋〕。 feed the fishes 晕船;葬身鱼腹。 fish and chips 〔主英〕炸鱼加洋芋片。 have other fish to fry 〔口语〕别有要事。 hook [land] one's fish 如愿以偿。 make fish of one and flesh [fowl] of another 厚此薄彼。 neither fish , flesh, nor fowl [nor good red herring] 非驴非马,不伦不类。 (a) pretty [nice] kettle of fish 混乱;乱七八糟。 The best fish smell when they are three days old. 〔谚语〕鱼过三天就要臭;久居别家招人嫌。 The best fish swim [are] near the bottom. 〔谚语〕好鱼居水底,要得宝物不容易。 There's as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. 〔谚语〕有水何患无鱼。 Venture a small fish to catch a great one. 〔谚语〕虾子钓鲤鱼,吃小亏占大便宜。 vt. 1.在(…中)捕鱼,钓(鱼),捉(鱼),捕(鱼)。 2.捞出,搜出,查出,摸出。 3.【航海】加夹箍夹牢;【工业】用接合板连接[加固];将(锚)吊起。 4.〔美俚〕奉承,巴结。 fish a pond 在池塘里捕鱼。 fish trout 钓鳟鱼。 vi. 1.捕鱼。 2.搜查(after), 探查,采(珊瑚等)。 fish for a living 捕鱼谋生。 fish in the air 缘木求鱼。 fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼,趁火打劫。 fish or cut bait 要就大干要就不干。 fish out [up] (从水中)吊起;捞出,搜出;把鱼捕尽。
  • fish-in:    集体进入禁区钓[捕]鱼示威〔表示反对将该地列为钓[捕]鱼禁区〕。
  • big fish, little fish:    大鱼,小鱼
  • bloated fish smoked fish:    熏鱼
  • fish ball; fish cake:    鱼丸
  • fish pass; fish way:    过鱼孔
  • fish sauce = fish gravy:    鱼露
  • fly fish [= flying fish:    花翅文鳐鱼
  • piscivorous fish; predatory fish:    食鱼性鱼
  • shoal of fish; stock of fish:    鱼群
  • trash fish; coarse fish:    杂鱼
  • a big fish:    大人物,大亨; 一条大鱼
  • a bony fish:    多骨鱼
  • a can of fish:    一罐鱼罐头
  • a fish for you:    送给你的鱼
  • a fish of the world:    一条见过世面的鱼
  • a fish tale:    鱼儿的故事
  • a kettle of fish:    为难的处境
  • a leaping fish:    飞鱼
  • a live fish:    活鱼
  • a loose fish:    放荡不羁者
  • a magic fish:    神仙鱼
  • a monster fish:    摩竭罗
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. It is like fishing for a needle in the ocean .
  2. I often fish for hours without catching anything .
  3. Ben and a number of his friends were fishing for minnows at the edge of an inlet .
  4. First came the earliest individualistic pioneers who depended on hunting and fishing for their livelihoods .
  5. L haven ' t been to where my dad use to fish for shrimp


        fish:    n. (pl. fishes, 〔集合词〕 fish) ...
        a fish:    没出息的人, 放荡的人
        fish:    n. 菲什〔姓氏〕。 n. (pl. fishes, 〔集合词〕 fish) 1.鱼;〔集合词〕鱼类;鱼肉。 ★说鱼的若干种类时用 fishes, 说几条鱼不用复数;鱼肉是不可数名词,无复数。 2.〔口语〕(特殊的)人物,家伙,东西。 3.【航海】钓锚器;撑夹桅杆的加固夹箍;【建筑】接合板,夹片,鱼尾板;悬鱼饰;【天文学】〔the Fish-(es)〕双鱼宫。 4.【军口】鱼雷。 5.〔美口〕新囚犯;生手,笨蛋;容易受骗的人。 6.〔美俚〕〔戏谑语〕天主教徒。 7.〔美俚〕美元。 eat three fish 吃三条鱼。 lots of fish 许多鱼。 F- begins to stink at the head. 〔谚语〕上梁不正下梁歪,鱼要腐烂头先坏。 Gut no fish till you get them. = Never fry a fish till it is caught. 〔谚语〕鱼未捉到,别忙煎鱼。 He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet. 〔谚语〕捉鱼不要怕湿脚。 If you swear you will catch no fish. 〔谚语〕咒骂不解决问题。 It is a silly fish, that is caught twice with the same bait. 〔谚语〕智者不上两回当。 Never offer to teach fish to swim. 〔谚语〕别班门弄斧。 a big fish 大亨,大人物。 a cool fish 无耻之徒。 a dull fish 钝汉。 a loose fish 放荡鬼。 a queer fish 怪人,莫明其妙的家伙。 a fish out of water 离水的鱼,不得其所的人。 All is fish that comes to his net. 到手的都要,便宜事来者不拒。 as dumb [mute] as a fish 默不作声。 big fish in a little pond 矮子里头的高个子。 catch fish with a silver hook 钓不到鱼之后花钱买鱼(冒充是自己钓的)。 cry stinking fish 拆自己的台。 drink like a fish 牛饮。 drunk as a fish 大醉。 eat fish on Fridys 斋戒日吃鱼〔有些基督教信徒在星期五不食肉,作为守斋〕。 feed the fishes 晕船;葬身鱼腹。 fish and chips 〔主英〕炸鱼加洋芋片。 have other fish to fry 〔口语〕别有要事。 hook [land] one's fish 如愿以偿。 make fish of one and flesh [fowl] of another 厚此薄彼。 neither fish , flesh, nor fowl [nor good red herring] 非驴非马,不伦不类。 (a) pretty [nice] kettle of fish 混乱;乱七八糟。 The best fish smell when they are three days old. 〔谚语〕鱼过三天就要臭;久居别家招人嫌。 The best fish swim [are] near the bottom. 〔谚语〕好鱼居水底,要得宝物不容易。 There's as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. 〔谚语〕有水何患无鱼。 Venture a small fish to catch a great one. 〔谚语〕虾子钓鲤鱼,吃小亏占大便宜。 vt. 1.在(…中)捕鱼,钓(鱼),捉(鱼),捕(鱼)。 2.捞出,搜出,查出,摸出。 3.【航海】加夹箍夹牢;【工业】用接合板连接[加固];将(锚)吊起。 4.〔美俚〕奉承,巴结。 fish a pond 在池塘里捕鱼。 fish trout 钓鳟鱼。 vi. 1.捕鱼。 2.搜查(after), 探查,采(珊瑚等)。 fish for a living 捕鱼谋生。 fish in the air 缘木求鱼。 fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼,趁火打劫。 fish or cut bait 要就大干要就不干。 fish out [up] (从水中)吊起;捞出,搜出;把鱼捕尽。
        fish-in:    集体进入禁区钓[捕]鱼示威〔表示反对将该地列为钓[捕]鱼禁区〕。
        big fish, little fish:    大鱼,小鱼
        bloated fish smoked fish:    熏鱼
        fish ball; fish cake:    鱼丸
        fish pass; fish way:    过鱼孔
        fish sauce = fish gravy:    鱼露
        fly fish [= flying fish:    花翅文鳐鱼
        piscivorous fish; predatory fish:    食鱼性鱼
        shoal of fish; stock of fish:    鱼群
        trash fish; coarse fish:    杂鱼
        a big fish:    大人物,大亨; 一条大鱼
        a bony fish:    多骨鱼
        a can of fish:    一罐鱼罐头
        a fish for you:    送给你的鱼
        a fish of the world:    一条见过世面的鱼
        a fish tale:    鱼儿的故事
        a kettle of fish:    为难的处境
        a leaping fish:    飞鱼
        a live fish:    活鱼
        a loose fish:    放荡不羁者
        a magic fish:    神仙鱼
        a monster fish:    摩竭罗


        fish forとは意味:~を聞き出す、探り出す I could feel my girlfriend fishing for clues as to who I went out with in her absence. ガールフレンドが、彼女の不在中に私が誰とデートしたかについて、手掛かりを探り出そうとしているのが分かった。 When you fish for a compliment, it's never sati...
        fish for meaning: fish for sth not passive usually progressive to try to get something from someone, especially information or praise, often by asking them for it in an indirect way: ▪ Jed was interested...
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